小貼士 Tips
- 乘的士由機場入暹粒市中心,可從機場門外左手面的一個櫃台安排,需另付US$5。taxi from Airport to Town: Heading out the airport, there is a desk on the left with a crowd of taxi-drivers.? It costs US$5.
- 在暹粒或吳哥城內交通並不方便,我們在2005年時都是跟一位的士司機議價,包車四天遊走古蹟及往返酒店,每天20美元,在確定司前應跟他多談幾句,以測試司機的英語水平,否則一路上雞同鴨講都幾煩厭。Transport within Siem Reap and the Angkor Temple Complex is not very convenient In 2005, the night when we arrived in 2005 we hired a taxi from the airport to our hotel. We found the taxi driver who was proficient in English and decided to hire his car / him for 4 days to get us around. Westerners will be charged higher. Why? We were told because they have a bigger build. Tuk Tuk (a motorized rackshaw) is another popular choice.
- 機場離境時要付離境稅US$25。A tax of US$25 will be levied on international airport departure.
- 暹粒有很多高級酒店,也有便宜的旅館,我們入住的Le Meridien設備齊全,環境不俗。Siem Reap is full of luxury hotels and budget guesthouses. We stayed in Le Meridien with TV, air-conditioning, hot water shower and decent swimming pool. Nice and peaceful.
- 付小費在酒店及食市相當普遍。Tipping is common in hotels and restaurants in Siem Reap.
- 宜多帶點乾糧充飢,因古蹟內飲食設施不太好。Always carry some snacks and plenty of water with you (no chocolate because they quickly melt in intense heat) as no meals are available within the historical sites. They will definitely provide you the energy
- 吳哥中午炎熱,每天宜大清早(5-6時)出發看日出,10時回酒店休息,下午3時再出發,避免中暑。It is extremely hot at noon. If you are an individual traveler, you may leave at early morning (5:00-6:00 am) for sunrise, back to hotel at around 10:00 (break for a siesta is a good idea). It is a safe bet to start your journey again after 3:00 pm. Lighter dress is fine, but keep in mind to respect Cambodian’s custom.
- 吳哥古蹟入場票分一天、三天及七天,我們覺得,要至少三天才能遊畢吳哥,不包南面ROLUOS及BANTEAY SREI的入場費,還有,要帶一幅証件相片做入場証。Bring two passport sized photos for the ticket to Angkor Temple Complex. Tickets run from US$20 for 1 day, US$40 for 3 days and US$80 for 7 days. In our opinions, you need at least 3 days to travel around the Complex. Keep in mind that the ticket excludes the visit to other mysterious temples at ROLUOS及BANTEAY SREI.
- 以美金支付不等於以美金找贖。Tourists will get Riel as change when spend US Dollars. “Mix and match” is common.
- 出發前建議找醫生作防疫注射。Vaccination: you are reminded to get a jab in advance.
- 吳哥其實是印度教建築(雖然現在擺放了很多佛像),到此一遊前要了解印度教的神祇、神話及其建築特色,才懂得欣賞內裡的雕塑及壁畫。Angkor is full of unthinkable splendour of Hindu foundation (even though the temples now are dedicated to Buddhist). For better understanding of the temples, tales and architecture, you are advised to prepare well in advance to make your adventures plentiful.