小貼士 Tips
- 撥回香港的國際電話時常不通,我們要在香港時間晚上12時才有機會接駁到。當地的酒店又沒有上網服務,出發前最好讓你的家人知道這情況,以防他們以為你已人間蒸發。 (Taking note that the roaming service to Hong Kong cannot be connected easily, we called back home at the midnight hours (Hong Kong Time) and got the fast connection. Internet services are not commonly available in hotels.? Ideally you should let you family know about it before traveling to Jordan.)
- 辦理入住酒店時,前堂通常不會即時發還護照,以便他們影印。以安全為上,務請和前堂人員約定取回護照的時間。 (You will find tourists are asked to leave their passport with the front desk for photocopying and registering personal details when checking in hotels. If you do not feel comfortable about leaving your passport, just insist on having your passport returned or fixing a reasonable time with the front desk staff for collection.)
- 「水」(錢)及水是全程最重要的東西,沒「水」就不能買水。在約旦的旅程中,我們從未喝過如此多的水,甚至一天不用上洗手間,因已全數用作調整體溫,給蒸發掉了。 (Water is precious in Jordan. Bottled water is readily available in shops. Many hotels have their own water filtering system, but the tap water is not safe to drink with. Throughout our trip in Jordan, we drank plenty of water to avoid danger of sunstroke, so it is important of taking plenty of water with you, especially if you go trekking.)
- 建議若有司機或導遊同行,可請他們代為購水,當地人的價錢可以十分平宜。雖然?帶電水壺可為我們慳到不少買水的支出,但多數酒店的水都有很多雜質,若放心不下,還是買樽裝水為佳,一般的價錢為1JD一樽 (1.5 litre);我們曾Irbid的市集中以1.75JD購得6枝的樽裝水,可想而知,價格相差很大,甚麼是合理的價錢? 那就要視乎你是否願意多走幾處去尋水了。 (Should you be accompanied with your travel guide, ask him to get you the bottled water instead as the local will get them in a cheaper and reasonable price. We brought an electrical bottle with us that of course saved us a lot of expense. Even though the boiled tap water seemed fine, it was full of substance. Bottled water is widely available if you are feeling cautious.? Normally it costs 1JD for a bottle (1.5 litre). It will justify your expense when you are thirsty. We once at Irbid spent 1.75JD for six bottles. It is wise to compare the prices if you are not desperate for water.)
- 我們的經驗是:4 月的夜間氣溫較低。 (We experienced a desert climate in April - hot and sunny daytime, but cold and windy weather condition at night time, so be prepared to bring a sweater.)
- 宜穿長袖衣及長褲,除了可免皮膚被烈日灼傷外,亦免被長滿長刺的各式野花刺傷腿部,也免受蒼蠅的騷擾 (不明白為何全程都有那麼多的蒼蠅)。 (Remember that long-sleeves can help you to avoid sunburn, sting from wild flowers and nuisance from flies.)
- 1JD 約港幣11圓。1JD相等於100 Piastre或 1000 fils (2008年的資料) (Exchange rate: 1JD is equivalent to HK$11. 1JD is also divisible into 100 Piastres or 1000 Fils.)
- 很多旅遊點都向外籍遊客收取較高的入場費,商店亦向遊人收取較高的費用,大體來說,和旅遊相關的各種服務及貨品都相當昂貴,相比當地的低生活水平,實超乎想像。(Foreign tourists are required to pay more to get in the tourist sites and buy stuff from shops. In general, the related services provided to and items sold to the tourists are pretty expensive when compared to Jordanians’ low living standard. )
- 約旦人給我們友好的印象,很喜歡和遊人搭訕 (是善意那種)。身為亞洲人的我們,雖然常被以為是日本人或韓國人,當告知他們我們來自中國香港時,他們仍是熱情的。 (We already heard some negative comments about this country before setting off. Throughout our trip, we had been ripped off over the postal fee and overcharged by the horsemen, yet Jordanians left us good impression of being friendly. In tourist spots, they may not be genuinely hospitable (that we could understand). Luckily, we met a big and exceptional friendly family at Olive Branch Hotel. We played with three young and lovely sisters and brothers who did not expect money from us. Young Jordanians came up to talk to us with curiosity at Petra and Jerash.)
- 越接近邊界,檢查站很多,記緊要把護照隨身帶備。 (The closer you get to the country boundary, the more check points there is. Always take your passport with you and be prepared for identity proof. )
- 不少古蹟都有電線桿及電線,要拍攝的就得花點時間找景了。但古蹟沒有甚麼大限制,一般只是不准用閃光燈,腳架不受限制。 (Photography: In major sites, photography is not forbidden. Normally using flash is prohibited, but tripods are not subject to any restriction. You should be prepared to take time to create your images as some electricity poles or wiring are found over the sites. Keep in mind that photographing of women is restricted. It is polite to ask permission.)
- 萬一要用洗手間也不用擔心,不少地方的洗手間的衛生程度一點也不差,尤其是Petra內的更達5 星級水平。 (You should not be worried about the washroom facilities for tourists. They are at good standard. In Petra, you will find them reaching 5 star level.)
- 我們經過騎馬一役後知道旅行社說的不一定是真的,各位見機行事罷。
- 約旦的古蹟處處,但在古蹟中提供給遊人的資料則是少之又少,必須事前做足資料搜集,認識一下古羅馬、十字軍及聖經的故事。 (There are fantastic views and ancient cities in Jordan, but normally no general touring maps will be provided. So it is wise to prepare well in advance.)
- 逢星期五是公眾假期 (正如我們的星期日),不少店舖會休息。(Most Jordanians work five days a week with Friday off. Some establishments or shops are not open.)