小貼士 Tips
- 新加坡的Hawker Centre小吃尤其出色,不過就沒有冷氣,你可能會邊吃邊冒汗,但這是感受當地美食文化的方法。Hawker Centre內食肆過百,見生意蓬勃的就要花時間等位。 要吃美食,如何選擇? 當見食肆前排長龍的就十拿九穩,當地人亦以這種方法揀美食的。新加坡以辣味為主,椰汁也是多種食品的主要材料,以下是新加坡旅遊局推介的十大美食,美食當前,恨不得立即請假,飛到當地大吃一頓。
- 菜頭粿(Fried Carrot Cake):由粘米粉和白蘿蔔造成的蘿蔔榚,被切成方块,再加調味料炒至香味四溢,表脆可口,共有黑白兩種炒法,前者帶點甜味,後者以香脆誘人,各有千秋。(Little cube of rice flour and radish rapidly fried to crispy perfection. The black is sweeter than the white.)
- 肉骨茶(Bak Kut Teh):採用大量豬排骨、蒜頭、香料、藥材熬成,湯濃肉鮮。(A herbal pork-based soup chock full of pork ribs, garlic and spices.)
- 雞飯 (Chicken Rice):皮滑肉嫩白斬雞,伴以用雞湯煮成的雞香飯,此乃獅城招牌美食之一。(Silky smooth poached chicken on top of fluffy rice infused with chicken stock - a Singapore signature.)
- 羅惹 (Rojak):簡而言之,它是亞洲式沙拉,分為中式和印度式兩種不同風味,前者以新鮮蔬果為主,開胃可口,後者則任由顧客自選的油炸食物、馬鈴薯和魷魚組成,可當一餐。(Quite simply, it's an Asian salad. The Chinese version is heavy on fresh fruits and vegetables. The indian variety is a mixture of deep fried fritters.)
- 印度煎餅 (Roti Prata):外皮香脆,內帶嚼勁,任君選擇加蛋或大葱、甚至加如草莓等水果也行,再沾木豆泥和咖哩,美味可口。(Flaky on the outside, deliciously elastic on the inside. Fill it with anything from eggs to onions to even strawberries, and dip away in dhal and curries.)
- 辣椒和黑椒蟹 (Chilli Crab and Black Pepper Crab):酸甜辣醬香炒蟹,色香味俱全,另有辣勁十足的黑椒炒蟹,兩者旗鼓相當,一樣受歡迎。(Crabs cooked in a tangy, spicy sauce of sweet and sour. The black pepper version is smoking hot and equally gratifying.)
- 炒粿條 (Char Kway Teow):粿條是用粘米粉造成的寬面條,這道令人垂涎欲滴的家喻戶曉美食,採用黑甜醬油、雞蛋、蝦仁、鮮蛤,以大火翻炒出來,粿條略帶彈性和嚼勁,咸甜適中。(A heady mixture of flat rice noodles, eggs, prawns, and cockles. A near perfect balancing act of sweet, salty, crunchy, and chewy.)
- 叻沙 (Laksa):以香辣濃郁咖哩為湯底的粗滑米粉,配以蝦及鮮蛤,上桌時,散發著令人垂涎三尺的濃郁椰漿香。(In a robust spicy gravy, smooth rice noodles are topped with prawns and cockles to produce a sensational curry-based dish.)
- 咖哩魚頭 (Fish Head Curry):採用火候適中的清蒸大魚頭,再放入羅望子咖哩濃漿,魚頭四周還圍繞著如羊角豆、茄子等蔬菜,讓人愛不釋口。(Large, meaty fish head stewed to tender perfection in a tamarind-based curry sauce, and surrounded by vegetables.)
- 沙爹 (satay):質嫩多汁的牛肉、羊肉、雞肉及豬肉,串燒後醮著香辣帶甜的花生醬,不妨再配搭切成方块的椰汁米榚,味道更好。(Succulent strips of beef, mutton, chicken and pork skewed, grilled and complemented by cubes of rice alongside a spicy peanut sauce.)
- 新加坡有不同顏色的士,紅色、藍色最為普遍,起標3元左右,黑色是大房車的士最貴,起標大約5元,由機場去Bishan,收費可以是20元和30元之分別。
- 如果使用EZ Link(像香港的八達通), 乘巴士或地下鐵上落或出入閘均需要拍咭。
- 新加坡以英語及華語溝通為主,所以以普通話或國語作溝通也絕無問題。